A lot of files- a 1000 or so- in my itunes have a bit rate of 192 and even 320. I'm content with 128. In itunes I have it set so when i import songs the bit rate is 128. So, I was going to sort my songs by bit-rate and convert all the high ones to 128, by selecting the ';convert selection to mp3.'; But when you do that, itunes keeps the original file, and i don't want to be stuck with a whole bunch of dublicates. Does anyone know a way to automatically replace the file when you convert it? And also how to convert a whole bunch of songs at one time? Or, even better, a way I could get all of my songs in itunes to have a lower bit rate using itunes and not other bitrate changing software that will unorganize all of my files and folders?Converting songs in itunes to mp3 to change bit rate?
maybe you can take a look at http://itunesm4ptomp3.wordpress.com
hope it helps.Converting songs in itunes to mp3 to change bit rate?
I wouldn't reccommend putting your songs to a lower bitrate from a higher one. The higher the bitrate the higher the quality of the song. Also itunes can only convert one song at a time. And if you look in the preferences of itunes there might be an option to delete the original file when it's done converting, if not you will have to delete the duplicates manually.
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